Teacher Workshops

Looking for a hands-on science workshop for your teachers? WILD Jersey offers the following professional development opportunities (NJ provider #5518).

Available Workshops

Inquiry in the Schoolyard
Teachers will delve into their own ecological investigations to understand the nature of scientific inquiry, and how to use the skills and processes of inquiry for themselves. A goal of this workshop is to help teachers become more knowledgeable about and comfortable in their schoolyard

School Gardens 101
“All we ever do in our garden is pull weeds!” Learn how to get beyond garden maintenance and make your school garden or habitat the centerpiece of the school. We’ll cover horticultural practices to keep your garden low maintenance, and ways to infuse the garden into every branch of the curriculum.

The Nature of Learning
Howard Gardner added the “naturalist intelligence” to his theory, and Richard Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder.” There might be something to this nature education thing… This workshop offers practical ways for teachers, nature-minded or not, to put students back in touch with the natural world.

GrowLabs® in the Classroom
An indoor light garden, purchased or homemade, is a valuable tool in the inquiry science classroom. Plant a question, sprout a hypothesis, harvest your findings, then branch out to complete the inquiry cycle.